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--  作者:hongjunli
--  发布时间:9/13/2007 7:12:00 PM

--  [分享][下载]Eclipse Magazine, Volume 13
Understanding Eclipse TPTP Static Analysis and Conceiving an APM Solution
“We Expected Thousands of Downloads of Europa Within the First Few Hours of Release”
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What’s New in the Eclipse Community

The Eclipse TPTP Static Analysis Platform is the best available open framework that can extended easily to provide code review, quality auditing, software visualization tools and application portfolio management tools. Further research and development on generalizing parser output could rapidly add more programming languages recognition
(analysis) to the framework. Read Chakravarthy Thiyagarajan's introduction to static code analysis and its uses, details on how Eclipse TPTP can jump-start code analysis, which in turn can be used for code review and quality analysis.


--  作者:DMman
--  发布时间:9/13/2007 7:37:00 PM

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