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----  China Accelerates Participation in Open Standards As OASIS China Office Is Launched  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=35&rootid=&id=44134)

--  作者:菜籽
--  发布时间:3/20/2007 12:24:00 PM

--  China Accelerates Participation in Open Standards As OASIS China Office Is Launched
China Accelerates Participation in International Open Standards As OASIS China
Office Is Launched Hosted by Changfeng Alliance  

OASIS Web Site Now Offered in Chinese

Beijing, China; 15 March 2007 -- OASIS, the international open standards
consortium, has selected Changfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance to
host the new OASIS China Office in Beijing. Established in 1993, OASIS brings
together organizations from around the world to agree on intelligent ways to
exchange information over the Internet and within their businesses.  The OASIS
China Office will focus on increased opportunities for new participation and
enhanced services for existing members in China. A Chinese version of the OASIS
web site has been introduced in support of this outreach effort.

"OASIS enjoys increasingly strong participation from the Chinese business
community. The new OASIS China Office will enable us to better support and grow
our membership base in this very important area of the world," commented
Patrick Gannon, president and CEO of OASIS. "As a recognized advocate of open
standards in China, Changfeng Alliance has the expertise and commitment to
provide the highest level of support for our Chinese members."

"Chinese companies have much to contribute to the international dialogue on
open standards," noted Lan Xiao, Secretary General of Changfeng Alliance. "The
driving philosophy behind OASIS is that all those affected by eBusiness
standards should have a voice in their creation. We want to help Chinese
organizations realize the benefits of working with other software developers
from around the world to ensure China's needs are represented in the standards
that affect trade, and to promote the adoption of OASIS Standards by Chinese
software companies."

According to Xiao, Chinese companies are drawn to OASIS because the Consortium
encourages open collaboration on interoperability issues critical to Asia, such
as Web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The international
focus of the Consortium facilitates global participation. Members of each OASIS
technical committee specify which language they will use to conduct their work,
and most discussions are held via email or conference calls to accommodate
participants from multiple continents.

In conjunction with the OASIS China Office launch, the OASIS Unstructured
Operation Markup Language (UOML) Technical Committee was also announced. This
new committee will advance an XML operation standard for unstructured documents
based on a specification created by Beijing Sursen and supported by China's
UOML Alliance.  The chair of the OASIS UOML Technical Committee is based in
China, and the Committee will bring developers in China together with others
throughout the world.

Chinese organizations interested in learning more about OASIS should contact
Andy Li at javola@ebridgechina.com.

Additional information:

OASIS Chinese web site:

OASIS UOML Technical Committee:

About Changfeng Alliance:
Changfeng Open Standard Platform Software Alliance is composed of well-known
software companies and third-party intermediary service organizations. Founded
in 2005, Changfeng aims to promote the development and adoption of open
standards in China. [URL=http://www.changfeng.org.cn/]http://www.changfeng.org.cn/[/URL]

About OASIS:
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is
a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development,
convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. Members themselves set the
OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process expressly designed to
promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. The consortium produces
open standards for Web services, security, e-business, and standardization
efforts in the public sector and for application-specific markets. Founded in
1993, OASIS has more than 5,000 participants representing over 600
organizations and individual members in 100 countries. Approved OASIS Standards
include AVDL, BCM, CAP, DITA, DocBook, DSML, ebXML BPSS, ebXML CPPA, ebXML
Messaging, ebXML Registry, EDXL-DE, EML, OpenDocument, SAML, SOA-RM, SPML, UBL,
UDDI, WSDM, WS-Notification, WS-Reliability, WSRF, WSRP, WS-Security, XACML,
XCBF, and XML Catalogs. [URL=http://www.oasis-open.org/]http://www.oasis-open.org[/URL]

Chinese press contact:

Andy Li

English press contact:

Carol Geyer
OASIS Director of Communications
+1.978.667.5115 x209 (office)
+1.941.284.0403 (mobile)

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