
-  中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
--  『 Semantic Web(语义Web)/描述逻辑/本体 』  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=2)
----  使用Jena对OWL本体进行查询推理  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=60678)

--  作者:shalen2008
--  发布时间:3/31/2008 7:42:00 PM

--  使用Jena对OWL本体进行查询推理


public static void searchOnto1(OntModel model){
    String rule = "[rule1:(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#research ?y) " +
        "(?y http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#associate ?z) " +
        "->(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?z)]";
    String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> " +
    "SELECT ?expert ?subject " +
    "WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject} ";
    Reasoner reasoner2 = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(rule));
    InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner2, model);
    Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
    QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inf);
    ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
    ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-3 20:49:20编辑过]

--  作者:cassiemudan
--  发布时间:4/4/2008 9:22:00 PM

可不可以用自定义这样的规则呢:规定某个类的属性之间的关系,如“同一月份客户欠费<客户帐单金额”、“客户帐单中的通话费=语音详单中的基本通话费+长途通话费-优惠费“ 之类的限制?

--  作者:jpz6311whu
--  发布时间:4/4/2008 9:34:00 PM

--  作者:cassiemudan
--  发布时间:4/5/2008 8:54:00 AM

哦 这样 多谢!那jena的规则如何去写 有 什么 规范吗?而SWRL又有谁来遵守使用了呢?
--  作者:futantan
--  发布时间:4/5/2008 9:38:00 AM

--  作者:bbym010
--  发布时间:4/5/2008 1:09:00 PM

--  作者:seventeen_wy
--  发布时间:4/7/2008 10:11:00 PM

--  作者:sunrisee
--  发布时间:4/8/2008 11:15:00 AM


--  作者:supergg
--  发布时间:4/23/2008 1:02:00 PM


--  作者:dasotkb
--  发布时间:4/24/2008 7:00:00 PM

我發現如果在Protege裡面加外掛SWRL且有加入RULES..之後你輸出的owl 如果用jena去parse很像就會出問題耶
--  作者:jpz6311whu
--  发布时间:4/24/2008 10:47:00 PM

以下是引用cassiemudan在2008-4-5 8:54:00的发言:
哦 这样 多谢!那jena的规则如何去写 有 什么 规范吗?而SWRL又有谁来遵守使用了呢?

--  作者:cassiemudan
--  发布时间:4/25/2008 9:19:00 AM

嗯  这个后来找到看过了^_^多谢!
发现jena的自定义规则 可以 帮助 查找出 一些 隐藏信息,但是 如果我想加入 限制性的规则 ,在推理时 能推理出 哪些实例 违反了 限制性 规则 似乎 不行。。。
[quoe]以下是引用jpz6311whu在2008-4-24 22:47:00的发言:
以下是引用cassiemudan在2008-4-5 8:54:00的发言:
哦 这样 多谢!那jena的规则如何去写 有 什么 规范吗?而SWRL又有谁来遵守使用了呢?

--  作者:jpz6311whu
--  发布时间:4/27/2008 12:10:00 PM

--  作者:cassiemudan
--  发布时间:4/27/2008 12:18:00 PM

以下是引用jpz6311whu在2008-4-27 12:10:00的发言:

噢 这个名字 是我 自己 取的。比如 我定义 类A的实例 a 的age >类B的实例 b的age
而在本体中我却让 b.age<a.age  这种本体再调用一致性检测 validate一下  检测还是正确的即 检测不出来 那种违反了规则的不一致性
--  作者:jpz6311whu
--  发布时间:4/27/2008 12:51:00 PM



--  作者:cassiemudan
--  发布时间:4/27/2008 12:59:00 PM

OK Thanks!
--  作者:lmh272
--  发布时间:5/29/2008 11:52:00 AM

--  作者:jxlhljh
--  发布时间:6/4/2008 7:06:00 PM

--  作者:jxlhljh
--  发布时间:6/4/2008 9:22:00 PM

--  作者:lmh272
--  发布时间:6/15/2008 9:32:00 AM

--  作者:lipeiqiang1997
--  发布时间:4/11/2009 10:11:00 PM

--  作者:lixiaoming
--  发布时间:4/22/2009 9:03:00 PM

--  作者:shalen2008
--  发布时间:4/23/2009 10:18:00 AM

--  作者:cxgnj
--  发布时间:5/3/2009 6:20:00 PM

    String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> " +
    "SELECT ?expert ?subject " +
    "WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject} ";
--  作者:shalen2008
--  发布时间:5/4/2009 9:02:00 PM

--  作者:shalen2008
--  发布时间:5/4/2009 9:05:00 PM

package utils;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import struts.bean.Bean;
import struts.bean.Book;
import struts.bean.Encouragement;
import struts.bean.Expert;
import struts.bean.Paper;
import struts.bean.Patent;
import struts.bean.Project;
import struts.bean.SearchListBean;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.db.IDBConnection;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.InfModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelMaker;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ReasonerRegistry;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;

public class JaneUtils {
    public static String subject = "Subject";

    /* 从文件装载模型 */
    public static OntModel loadModel(String filePath) {
        InputStreamReader in;
        OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM,
        try {
            FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(filePath);
            in = new InputStreamReader(file, "UTF-8");// 处理中文
            model.read(in, null);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return model;

    /* 本体中的各个class,同时将各个class的subclass和property */
    public static void readOntology(OntModel model) {
        // the class number
        int j = 0;

        // list classes
        for (Iterator i = model.listClasses(); i.hasNext();) {
            OntClass c = (OntClass) i.next();
            String strClass = c.getModel().usePrefix(c.getURI());
            System.out.println(j + strClass.substring(1));

            // to list sub-classes for each class
            for (Iterator k = c.listSubClasses(true); k.hasNext();) {
                System.out.print("  " + "hasSubClass");
                OntClass subclass = (OntClass) k.next();
                String strSubClass = subclass.getModel().usePrefix(


            // list property for each class
            for (Iterator y = c.listDeclaredProperties(true); y.hasNext();) {
                OntProperty property = (OntProperty) y.next();
                String strPropertyName = property.getModel().usePrefix(

                String strRange = property.getRange().toString();
                String strRangeName = property.getModel().usePrefix(strRange);

                // show just the "has" Properties
                if (strPropertyName.substring(1).substring(0, 3).equals("has")) {
                    System.out.print("  ");

    /* 查询学科名称 */
    public static String getSujectName() {

        DBPool dbPool = DBPool.getInstance();

        IDBConnection con = dbPool.getConnection();
        OntModel model = JaneUtils.getModelFromDB(con, "expert");

        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";
        OntClass c = model.getOntClass(NS + "Subject");

        subject = getSub(c);


        return subject;

    /* 查询研究方向名称 */
    public static String getResearchDirection() {
        String researchDirection = "";

        DBPool dbPool = DBPool.getInstance();

        IDBConnection con = dbPool.getConnection();
        OntModel model = JaneUtils.getModelFromDB(con, "expert");

        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";
        OntClass c = model.getOntClass(NS + "ResearchDirection");

        for (Iterator i = c.listInstances(); i.hasNext();) {
            Individual ont = (Individual) i.next();
            researchDirection += "," + ont.getLocalName();


        researchDirection = researchDirection.substring(1, researchDirection
        return researchDirection;

    /* 递归打印所有子类 */
    public static String getSub(OntClass c) {
        for (Iterator i = c.listSubClasses(false); i.hasNext();) {
            OntClass ont = (OntClass) i.next();
            if (!ont.isAnon()) {// 如果不是匿名类,则打印类的名字
                // System.out.println(c.getLocalName());
                subject += "," + ont.getLocalName();
        return subject;

    /* 查询专家具体信息 */
    public static Expert getDetail(String name1) {
        DBPool dbPool = DBPool.getInstance();
        Expert expert = new Expert();
        IDBConnection con = dbPool.getConnection();
        OntModel model = JaneUtils.getModelFromDB(con, "expert");
        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";

        Individual ont = model.getIndividual(NS + name1);

        DatatypeProperty ep = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "E_mail");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(ep) != null) {
            String e_mail = ont.getPropertyValue(ep).toString();
            e_mail = e_mail.substring(0,e_mail.length()-3);

        DatatypeProperty name = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "name");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(name) != null) {
            String name2 = ont.getPropertyValue(name).toString();
            name2 = name2.substring(0,name2.length()-3);

        DatatypeProperty is_Academician = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS
                + "is_Academician");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(is_Academician) != null) {
            String is_Academician1 = ont.getPropertyValue(is_Academician)

        DatatypeProperty work_tel = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "work_tel");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(work_tel) != null) {
            String work_tel1 = ont.getPropertyValue(work_tel).toString();
            work_tel1 = work_tel1.substring(0, work_tel1.length() - 3);

        DatatypeProperty workplace = model
                .getDatatypeProperty(NS + "workplace");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(workplace) != null) {
            String workplace1 = ont.getPropertyValue(workplace).toString();
            workplace1 = workplace1.substring(0,workplace1.length()-3);

        DatatypeProperty birthday = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "birthday");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(birthday) != null) {
            String birthday1 = ont.getPropertyValue(birthday).toString();
            birthday1 = birthday1.substring(0, 10).trim();

        DatatypeProperty gender = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "gender");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(gender) != null) {
            String gender1 = ont.getPropertyValue(gender).toString();

        DatatypeProperty Graduation_time = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS
                + "Graduation_time");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(Graduation_time) != null) {
            String Graduation_time1 = ont.getPropertyValue(Graduation_time)
            Graduation_time1 = Graduation_time1.substring(0, 9).trim();

        DatatypeProperty ID_card = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "ID_card");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(ID_card) != null) {
            String ID_card1 = ont.getPropertyValue(ID_card).toString();
            ID_card1 = ID_card1.substring(0, ID_card1.length() - 3);
        DatatypeProperty resume = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "resume");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(resume) != null) {
            String resume1 = ont.getPropertyValue(resume).toString();

        DatatypeProperty home_address = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS
                + "home_address");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(home_address) != null) {
            String home_address1 = ont.getPropertyValue(home_address)
            home_address1 = home_address1.substring(0,
                    home_address1.length() - 3);


        ObjectProperty p = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "country_is");
        if (ont.getPropertyValue(p) != null) {
            String p1 = ont.getPropertyValue(p).toString();
            p1 = p1.substring(41,p1.length());

        ObjectProperty research = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "research");
        List<String> SearchDirect = new ArrayList<String>();
        String research2 = "";
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(research) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(research);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                research2 = s.next().toString();
                research2 = research2.substring(41,research2.length());
        List<Book> book = new ArrayList<Book>();
        String bookURL = "";
        ObjectProperty p2 = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "write_book");
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(p2) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(p2);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                Book b = new Book();
                bookURL = s.next().toString();
                Individual ont1 = model.getIndividual(bookURL);
                DatatypeProperty bookName = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "book_name");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName) != null) {
                    String bookName1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName).toString();
                    bookName1 = bookName1.substring(0, bookName1.length() - 3);
                    System.out.println("Book:" + bookName1);
                DatatypeProperty publisherTime = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "publish_time");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime) != null) {
                    String publisherTime1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime).toString();
                    publisherTime1 = publisherTime1.substring(0, 10).trim();
                ObjectProperty publisher = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "publisher_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher) != null) {
                    String publisher1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher).toString();
                    publisher1 = publisher1.substring(41,publisher1.length());
                ObjectProperty Property = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "bookProperty_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(Property) != null) {
                    String Property1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(Property).toString();
                    Property1 = Property1.substring(41,Property1.length());
                ObjectProperty author = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "book_author_is");
                String author2 = "";
                String author1 = "";
                if (ont1.listPropertyValues(author) != null) {
                    Iterator s1 = ont1.listPropertyValues(author);
                    while (s1.hasNext()) {
                        author2 = s1.next().toString();
                        author2 = author2.substring(41,author2.length());                       
                        author1 = author1 + " " + author2;

        List<Encouragement> encouragement = new ArrayList<Encouragement>();
        String encouragementURL = "";
        ObjectProperty encouragement1 = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "get_encouragement");
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(encouragement1) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(encouragement1);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                Encouragement en = new Encouragement();
                encouragementURL = s.next().toString();                
                Individual ont1 = model.getIndividual(encouragementURL);
                ObjectProperty author = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "be_got");
                String author2 = "";
                String author1 = "";
                if (ont1.listPropertyValues(author) != null) {
                    Iterator s1 = ont1.listPropertyValues(author);
                    while (s1.hasNext()) {
                        author2 = s1.next().toString();
                        author2 = author2.substring(41,author2.length());
                        System.out.println("encouragement:" + author2);
                        author1 = author1 + " " + author2;
                DatatypeProperty id = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "encouragement_num");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(id) != null) {
                    String id1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(id).toString();
                    id1 = id1.substring(0, id1.length() - 38);
                ObjectProperty Property = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "type_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(Property) != null) {
                    String Property1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(Property).toString();
                    Property1 = Property1.substring(41,Property1.length());

        List<Paper> paper = new ArrayList<Paper>();
        String paperURL = "";
        ObjectProperty paper2 = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "write");
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(paper2) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(paper2);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                Paper paper1 = new Paper();
                paperURL = s.next().toString();                
                Individual ont1 = model.getIndividual(paperURL);
                DatatypeProperty bookName = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "paper_name");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName) != null) {
                    String bookName1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName).toString();
                    bookName1 = bookName1.substring(0, bookName1.length() - 3);
                    System.out.println("paper:" + bookName1);
                DatatypeProperty indexNum = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "index_num");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(indexNum) != null) {
                    String indexNum1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(indexNum).toString();
                    indexNum1 = indexNum1.substring(0, indexNum1.length() - 38);
                DatatypeProperty is_domestic_paper = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS
                        + "is_domestic_paper");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(is_domestic_paper) != null) {
                    String is_domestic_paper1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(is_domestic_paper)
                ObjectProperty author = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "author_is");
                String author2 = "";
                String author1 = "";
                if (ont1.listPropertyValues(author) != null) {
                    Iterator s1 = ont1.listPropertyValues(author);
                    while (s1.hasNext()) {
                        author2 = s1.next().toString();
                        author2 = author2.substring(41,author2.length());
                        author1 = author1 + " " + author2;
                ObjectProperty firstAuthor = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "first_author_is");
                String firstAuthor2 = "";
                String firstAuthor1 = "";
                if (ont1.listPropertyValues(firstAuthor) != null) {
                    Iterator s1 = ont1.listPropertyValues(firstAuthor);
                    while (s1.hasNext()) {
                        firstAuthor2 = s1.next().toString();
                        firstAuthor2 = firstAuthor2.substring(41,firstAuthor2.length());
                        firstAuthor1 = firstAuthor1 + " " + firstAuthor2;
                ObjectProperty Property = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "publication_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(Property) != null) {
                    String Property1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(Property).toString();
                    Property1 = Property1.substring(41,Property1.length());
                DatatypeProperty deliver_time = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS
                        + "deliver_time");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(deliver_time) != null) {
                    String deliver_time1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(deliver_time)
                    deliver_time1 = deliver_time1.substring(0, 10).trim();

        List<Patent> patent = new ArrayList<Patent>();
        String patentURL = "";
        ObjectProperty patent2 = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "create_patent");
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(patent2) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(patent2);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                Patent patent1 = new Patent();
                patentURL = s.next().toString();                
                Individual ont1 = model.getIndividual(patentURL);
                DatatypeProperty bookName = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "patend_name");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName) != null) {
                    String bookName1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName).toString();
                    bookName1 = bookName1.substring(0, bookName1.length() - 3);
                    System.out.println("Patent:" + bookName1);
                DatatypeProperty id = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "patent_id");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(id) != null) {
                    String id1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(id).toString();
                    id1 = id1.substring(0, id1.length() - 3);
                DatatypeProperty publisherTime = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "pass_time");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime) != null) {
                    String publisherTime1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime).toString();
                    publisherTime1 = publisherTime1.substring(0, 10).trim();
                ObjectProperty publisher = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "patent_type_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher) != null) {
                    String publisher1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher).toString();
                    publisher1 = publisher1.substring(41,publisher1.length());
                ObjectProperty author = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "be_created");
                String author2 = "";
                String author1 = "";
                if (ont1.listPropertyValues(author) != null) {
                    Iterator s1 = ont1.listPropertyValues(author);
                    while (s1.hasNext()) {
                        author2 = s1.next().toString();
                        author2 = author2.substring(41,author2.length());
                        author1 = author1 + " " + author2;

        List<Project> project = new ArrayList<Project>();
        String projectURL = "";
        ObjectProperty project2 = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "lead");
        if (ont.listPropertyValues(project2) != null) {
            Iterator s = ont.listPropertyValues(project2);
            while (s.hasNext()) {
                Project project1 = new Project();
                projectURL = s.next().toString();                
                Individual ont1 = model.getIndividual(projectURL);
                DatatypeProperty bookName = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "project_name");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName) != null) {
                    String bookName1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(bookName).toString();
                    bookName1 = bookName1.substring(0, bookName1.length() - 3);
                    System.out.println("Project:" + bookName1);
                ObjectProperty publisher = model.getObjectProperty(NS + "property_is");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher) != null) {
                    String publisher1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisher).toString();
                    publisher1 = publisher1.substring(41,publisher1.length());
                DatatypeProperty publisherTime = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "project_begin_time");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime) != null) {
                    String publisherTime1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(publisherTime).toString();
                    publisherTime1 = publisherTime1.substring(0, 10).trim();
                DatatypeProperty project_end_time = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "project_end_time");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(project_end_time) != null) {
                    String project_end_time1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(project_end_time).toString();
                    project_end_time1 = project_end_time1.substring(0, 10).trim();
                DatatypeProperty indexNum = model.getDatatypeProperty(NS + "Cost");
                if (ont1.getPropertyValue(indexNum) != null) {
                    String indexNum1 = ont1.getPropertyValue(indexNum).toString();
                    indexNum1 = indexNum1.substring(0, indexNum1.length() - 38);

        return expert;

    /* 简单读取本体中的各个class */
    public static void SimpleReadOntology(OntModel model) {
        for (Iterator i = model.listClasses(); i.hasNext();) {
            OntClass c = (OntClass) i.next();
            if (!c.isAnon()) {// 如果不是匿名类,则打印类的名字

    public static OntModelSpec getModelSpec(ModelMaker maker) {
         * create a spec for the new ont model that will use no inference over
         * models made by the given maker (which is where we get the persistent
         * models from)
        OntModelSpec spec = new OntModelSpec(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
        return spec;

    /* 从文件读取本体并将其存入数据库 */
    public static OntModel createDBModelFromFile(IDBConnection con,
            String name, String filePath) {
        ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createModelRDBMaker(con);
        Model base = maker.createModel(name);
        OntModel newmodel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(
                getModelSpec(maker), base);
        return newmodel;

    /* 从数据库中得到已存入本体 */
    public static OntModel getModelFromDB(IDBConnection con, String name) {
        ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createModelRDBMaker(con);
        Model base = maker.getModel(name);
        OntModel newmodel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(
                getModelSpec(maker), base);
        return newmodel;

    public static String getSubInstance(String sub){
        String si = "";
        DBPool dbPool = DBPool.getInstance();
        IDBConnection con = dbPool.getConnection();
        OntModel model = JaneUtils.getModelFromDB(con, "expert");
        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";
        OntClass c = model.getOntClass(NS + sub);
        for (Iterator i = c.listInstances(); i.hasNext();) {
            Individual ont = (Individual) i.next();
            si = ont.getLocalName();

        return si;
    /* 获取个体及其属性值 */
    public static void getInstance(OntModel model) {
        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";
        /* 得到本体中的Expert类 */
        OntClass expert = model.getOntClass(NS + "Expert");
        // 打印类名

        // 获得其所以个体
        ExtendedIterator it = expert.listInstances();
        // 打印其个体
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Individual oi = (Individual) it.next();

            for (Iterator ipp = expert.listDeclaredProperties(); ipp.hasNext();) {
                OntProperty p = (OntProperty) ipp.next();
                System.out.println("  associated property: " + p.getLocalName()
                        + " : " + oi.getPropertyValue(p));
            }// property ends

    /* 使用sparql对本体进行查询 */
    public static List<SearchListBean> search(Bean bean) {
        DBPool dbPool = DBPool.getInstance();

        IDBConnection con = dbPool.getConnection();
        OntModel model = JaneUtils.getModelFromDB(con, "expert");

        String NS = "http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#";

        /* 设置规则 */
        String rule = "[rule1:(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#research ?y), "
                + " (?s http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#has_research_direction ?y), "
                + " (?s http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#associate ?z) "
                + " ->(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?z)] " +
                        "[rule2:(?a http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?b), " +
                        "(?b http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#is_a ?c) " +
                        "->(?a http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?c)] ";

        /* 查询语句 */
        // String queryString = "PREFIX
        // Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> " +
        // "SELECT ?expert ?ResearchDirection " +
        // "WHERE {?expert Expert:research ?ResearchDirection} ";
        String queryString1 = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
                + "SELECT ?name ?resume "
                + "WHERE {?expert Expert:resume ?resume. ?expert Expert:name ?name.";
        String queryString2 = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
            + "SELECT ?name ?resume "
            + "WHERE {?expert Expert:resume ?resume. ?expert Expert:name ?name.}";
        String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
            + "SELECT ?name ?gender ?TechnicalTitle ?research ?resume "
            + "WHERE {?expert Expert:resume ?resume. " +
                    "?expert Expert:name ?name." +
                    "?expert Expert:gender ?gender." +
                    "?expert Expert:title_code_is ?TechnicalTitle." +
                    "?expert Expert:research ?research.}";
        //?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject.
        //?expert Expert:research ?research.
        // "WHERE {?expert Expert:resume ?resume.?expert Expert:name
        // ?name.?expert Expert:work_tel \"8869565\"}";
        // "WHERE {?expert Expert:resume ?resume.?expert Expert:name ?name.
        // FILTER(?name=\"ChenGuoda\")}";

            queryString1 += "?expert Expert:name \""+ bean.getName()+"\"@en.";             
            queryString1 += "?expert Expert:gender "+ bean.getGender()+".";             
            queryString1 += "?expert Expert:title_code_is Expert:"+ bean.getTechnicalTitle()+".";             
            queryString1 += "?expert Expert:research Expert:"+ bean.getResearchDirection()+".";             
            queryString1 += "?expert Expert:familiar_with Expert:"+ getSubInstance(bean.getSubject())+".";             
        queryString1 += "}";

        /* 创建推理机 */
        Reasoner reasoner2 = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(rule));

        InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner2, model);
        Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString1);

        QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inf);
        ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();

        List<SearchListBean> searchList = new ArrayList<SearchListBean>();

        while (results.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution qs = (QuerySolution) results.next();
            searchList.add(new SearchListBean(
                    qs.getLiteral("name").getString(), qs.getLiteral("resume")

        /* 打印结果 */
        //ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

        return searchList;

    /* 使用sparql对本体进行查询 */
    public static void searchOnto(OntModel model) {
        Reasoner reasoner = ReasonerRegistry.getOWLMicroReasoner();

        // String rules = "[Rule1:(?x research ?y)(?y associat ?z)->(?x
        // familiar_with ?z)]";
        // reasoner.bind(Rule.parseRule(rules));

        String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
                + "SELECT ?expert ?subject "
                + "WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject} ";

        InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, model);
        Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);

        // Execute the query and obtain results
        QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inf);
        ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
        ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

    /* 使用sparql对本体进行查询 */
    public static void searchOnto1(OntModel model) {
        /* 设置规则 */
        String rule = "[rule1:(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#research ?y) "
                + "(?y http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#associate ?z) "
                + "->(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?z)]";

        /* 查询语句 */
        String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
                + "SELECT ?expert ?subject "
                + "WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject} ";

        /* 创建推理机 */
        Reasoner reasoner2 = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(rule));

        InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner2, model);
        Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);

        QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inf);
        ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
        /* 打印结果 */
        ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

--  作者:fairyxiaojun
--  发布时间:5/18/2009 4:58:00 PM

比如要查询ChenGuoda 熟悉的subject代码该怎么改呢?
"WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject.?expert Expert:name
       ?name.?expert Expert:name \"ChenGuoda\"}";


--  作者:jsupeng
--  发布时间:11/10/2009 9:45:00 PM

--  作者:binyu3008
--  发布时间:3/20/2010 3:50:00 PM

--  作者:angleangleangle
--  发布时间:4/19/2010 3:42:00 PM

--  作者:chenyu8320
--  发布时间:4/27/2010 5:20:00 PM

--  作者:angleangleangle
--  发布时间:5/6/2010 4:12:00 PM

--  作者:service365
--  发布时间:5/7/2010 1:12:00 AM

以下是引用jpz6311whu在2008-4-4 21:34:00的发言:

--  作者:shenxin1986
--  发布时间:5/12/2010 5:11:00 PM

--  作者:gflzx6506
--  发布时间:5/18/2010 4:24:00 PM

以下是引用shalen2008在2009-5-4 21:05:00的发言:

     /* 本体中的各个class,同时将各个class的subclass和property */
     public static void readOntology(OntModel model) {
         // the class number
         int j = 0;

         // list classes
         for (Iterator i = model.listClasses(); i.hasNext();) {
             OntClass c = (OntClass) i.next();
             String strClass = c.getModel().usePrefix(c.getURI());
             System.out.println(j + strClass.substring(1));

             // to list sub-classes for each class
             for (Iterator k = c.listSubClasses(true); k.hasNext();) {
                 System.out.print("  " + "hasSubClass");
                 OntClass subclass = (OntClass) k.next();
                 String strSubClass = subclass.getModel().usePrefix(


             // list property for each class
             for (Iterator y = c.listDeclaredProperties(true); y.hasNext();) {
                 OntProperty property = (OntProperty) y.next();
                 String strPropertyName = property.getModel().usePrefix(

                 String strRange = property.getRange().toString();
                 String strRangeName = property.getModel().usePrefix(strRange);

                 // show just the "has" Properties
                 if (strPropertyName.substring(1).substring(0, 3).equals("has")) {
                     System.out.print("  ");


请问下shalen2008  这段程序为什么我每次运行出来 结果都不唯一
总出现错误,说有些变量 没有值
--  作者:springbird
--  发布时间:5/24/2010 10:36:00 AM

--  作者:oO天天Oo
--  发布时间:5/26/2010 10:59:00 AM

package jena;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.db.DBConnection;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.db.IDBConnection;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelMaker;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.InfModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule;

public class Sparqlforexpert {
 /* 连接数据库 */
 public static IDBConnection connectDB(String DB_URL, String DB_USER,
  String DB_PASSWD, String DB_NAME) {
     return new DBConnection(DB_URL, DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME);
 /* 从文件读取本体并将其存入数据库 */
 public static OntModel createDBModelFromFile(IDBConnection con, String name,
    String filePath) {
     ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createModelRDBMaker(con);
     Model base = maker.createModel(name);
     OntModel newmodel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(
  getModelSpec(maker), base);
     return newmodel;

 /* 从数据库中得到已存入本体 */
 public static OntModel getModelFromDB(IDBConnection con, String name) {
     ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createModelRDBMaker(con);
     Model base = maker.getModel(name);
     OntModel newmodel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(
  getModelSpec(maker), base);
     return newmodel;

 public static OntModelSpec getModelSpec(ModelMaker maker) {
     OntModelSpec spec = new OntModelSpec(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
     return spec;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb";
    String DB_USER = "root";
    String DB_PASSWD = "root";
    String DB = "MySQL";
    String DB_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    //String filePath = "file:C://Program Files//Protege_3.3.1//examples//expert//Expert.owl";
    IDBConnection con = connectDB(DB_URL,DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB);

   // createDBModelFromFile(con, "expert",filePath);  
    OntModel model = getModelFromDB(con, "expert");
public static void searchOnto1(OntModel model) {
    /* 设置规则 */
    String rule = "[rule1:(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#research ?y) "
            + "(?y http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#associate ?z) "
            + "->(?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#familiar_with ?z)]";

    /* 查询语句 */
    String queryString = "PREFIX Expert:<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Expert.owl#> "
            + "SELECT ?expert ?subject "
            + "WHERE {?expert Expert:familiar_with ?subject} ";

    /* 创建推理机 */
    Reasoner reasoner2 = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(rule));

    InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner2, model);
    Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);

    QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inf);
    ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();
    /* 打印结果 */
    ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);


--  作者:gflzx6506
--  发布时间:5/26/2010 8:44:00 PM

这个例子的查询 是可以通的。。。
/* 本体中的各个class,同时将各个class的subclass和property
--  作者:oO天天Oo
--  发布时间:5/27/2010 1:04:00 PM

--  作者:gflzx6506
--  发布时间:5/28/2010 10:22:00 PM

以下是引用oO天天Oo在2010-5-27 13:04:00的发言:

/* 本体中的各个class,同时将各个class的subclass和property
还有一个这个程序: 获取专家具体信息

这2个程序 我一直没调通 请问下您 是怎么改的?谢谢

--  作者:shenxin1986
--  发布时间:5/31/2010 5:41:00 PM

--  作者:shenxin1986
--  发布时间:6/4/2010 7:56:00 PM

--  作者:shenxin1986
--  发布时间:6/4/2010 8:19:00 PM


[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-4 21:50:44编辑过]

--  作者:tracystar
--  发布时间:9/18/2010 11:08:00 AM

--  作者:cooldandans
--  发布时间:6/27/2011 11:04:00 AM

在Export.owl中,个体chenjianer 有个属性familiar_with,其值域就是Computer_Software_and_Theory。当我删除此个体的属性,再次运行程序,发现无结果,到底是怎么回事?到底有没有对加入的规则进行推理呢?
--  作者:yindongbo
--  发布时间:2/24/2012 9:26:00 AM

--  作者:yindongbo
--  发布时间:2/24/2012 10:05:00 AM

以下是引用cooldandans在2011-6-27 11:04:00的发言:
在Export.owl中,个体chenjianer 有个属性familiar_with,其值域就是Computer_Software_and_Theory。当我删除此个体的属性,再次运行程序,发现无结果,到底是怎么回事?到底有没有对加入的规则进行推理呢?


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