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    >> 本版讨论高级C/C++编程、代码重构(Refactoring)、极限编程(XP)、泛型编程等话题
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    **    A very easy program to compute Pi with many digits.
    **    No optimisations, no tricks, just a basic program to learn how
    **    to compute in multiprecision.  
    ** Formulae:
    **    Pi/4 =    arctan(1/2)+arctan(1/3)                     (Hutton 1)
    **    Pi/4 =  2*arctan(1/3)+arctan(1/7)                     (Hutton 2)
    **    Pi/4 =  4*arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239)                   (Machin)
    **    Pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18)+8*arctan(1/57)-5*arctan(1/239) (Gauss)
    **      with arctan(x) =  x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - ...
    **    The Lehmer's measure is the sum of the inverse of the decimal
    **    logarithm of the pk in the arctan(1/pk). The more the measure
    **    is small, the more the formula is efficient.
    **    For example, with Machin's formula:
    **      E = 1/log10(5)+1/log10(239) = 1.852
    ** Data:
    **    A big real (or multiprecision real) is defined in base B as:
    **      X = x(0) + x(1)/B^1 + ... + x(n-1)/B^(n-1)
    **      where 0<=x(i)<B
    ** Results: (PentiumII, 450Mhz)
    **   Formula      :    Hutton 1  Hutton 2   Machin   Gauss
    **   Lehmer's measure:   5.418     3.280      1.852    1.786
    **  1000   decimals:     0.2s      0.1s       0.06s    0.06s
    **  10000  decimals:    19.0s     11.4s       6.7s     6.4s
    **  100000 decimals:  1891.0s   1144.0s     785.0s   622.0s
    ** With a little work it's possible to reduce those computation
    ** times by a factor 3 and more:
    **     => Work with double instead of long and the base B can
    **        be choosen as 10^8
    **     => During the iterations the numbers you add are smaller
    **        and smaller, take this in account in the +, *, /
    **     => In the division of y=x/d, you may precompute 1/d and
    **        avoid multiplications in the loop (only with doubles)
    **     => MaxDiv may be increased to more than 3000 with doubles
    **     => ...
    #include <time.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #include <math.h>
    long B=10000; /* Working base */
    long LB=4;    /* Log10(base)  */
    long MaxDiv=450;  /* about sqrt(2^31/B) */
    ** Set the big real x to the small integer Integer
    void SetToInteger (long n, long *x, long Integer) {
      long i;
      for (i=1; i<n; i++) x[i] = 0;
      x[0] = Integer;
    ** Is the big real x equal to zero ?
    long IsZero (long n, long *x) {
      long i;
      for (i=0; i<n; i++)  
        if (x[i]) return 0;
     return 1;
    ** Addition of big reals : x += y
    **  Like school addition with carry management
    void Add (long n, long *x, long *y) {
      long carry=0, i;
      for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
        x[i] += y[i]+carry;
        if (x[i]<B) carry = 0;
        else {
          carry = 1;
          x[i] -= B;
    ** Substraction of big reals : x -= y
    **  Like school substraction with carry management
    **  x must be greater than y
    void Sub (long n, long *x, long *y) {
      long i;
      for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
        x[i] -= y[i];
      if (x[i]<0) {
        if (i) { 
            x[i] += B;
    ** Multiplication of the big real x by the integer q
    ** x = x*q.
    **  Like school multiplication with carry management
    void Mul (long n, long *x, long q) {
      long carry=0, xi, i;
      for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
        xi  = x[i]*q;  
        xi += carry;  
        if (xi>=B) {
          carry = xi/B;
          xi -= (carry*B);
          carry = 0;
        x[i] = xi;
    ** Division of the big real x by the integer d
    ** The result is y=x/d.
    **  Like school division with carry management
    **  d is limited to MaxDiv*MaxDiv.
    void Div (long n, long *x, long d, long *y) {
      long carry=0, xi, q, i;
      for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        xi    = x[i]+carry*B;
        q     = xi/d;
        carry = xi-q*d;   
        y[i]  = q;        
    ** Find the arc cotangent of the integer p = arctan (1/p)
    **  Result in the big real x (size n)
    **  buf1 and buf2 are two buffers of size n
    void arccot (long p, long n, long *x, long *buf1, long *buf2) {
      long p2=p*p, k=3, sign=0;
      long *uk=buf1, *vk=buf2;
      SetToInteger (n, x, 0);
      SetToInteger (n, uk, 1); /* uk = 1/p */
      Div (n, uk, p, uk);
      Add (n, x, uk);           /* x  = uk */

      while (!IsZero(n, uk)) {
        if (p<MaxDiv)
          Div (n, uk, p2, uk);  /* One step for small p */
        else {
          Div (n, uk, p, uk);   /* Two steps for large p (see division) */
          Div (n, uk, p, uk);  
        /* uk = u(k-1)/(p^2) */
        Div (n, uk, k, vk);       /* vk = uk/k  */
        if (sign) Add (n, x, vk); /* x = x+vk   */
        else Sub (n, x, vk);      /* x = x-vk   */
        sign = 1-sign;
    ** Print the big real x
    void Print (long n, long *x) {
      long i;
      printf ("%d.", x[0]);
      for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
        printf ("%.4d", x[i]);
        if (i%25==0) printf ("%8d\n", i*4);
      printf ("\n");
    ** Computation of the constant Pi with arctan relations
    void main () {  
      clock_t endclock, startclock;
      long NbDigits=10000, NbArctan;
      long p[10], m[10];
      long size=1+NbDigits/LB, i;
      long *Pi      = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long));
      long *arctan  = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long));
      long *buffer1 = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long));
      long *buffer2 = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long));
      startclock = clock();    
      ** Formula used:
      **   Pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18)+8*arctan(1/57)-5*arctan(1/239) (Gauss)
      NbArctan = 3;
      m[0] = 12; m[1] = 8;  m[2] = -5;
      p[0] = 18; p[1] = 57; p[2] = 239;
      SetToInteger (size, Pi, 0);
      ** Computation of Pi/4 = Sum(i) [m[i]*arctan(1/p[i])]
      for (i=0; i<NbArctan; i++) {
        arccot (p[i], size, arctan, buffer1, buffer2);
        Mul (size, arctan, abs(m[i]));
        if (m[i]>0) Add (size, Pi, arctan);  
        else        Sub (size, Pi, arctan);  
      Mul (size, Pi, 4);
      endclock = clock ();
      Print (size, Pi);  /* Print out of Pi */
      printf ("Computation time is : %9.2f seconds\n",  
             (float)(endclock-startclock)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
      free (Pi);
      free (arctan);
     free (buffer1);
     free (buffer2);

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