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     * 贴子主题: [原创]Google Web Toolkit (GWT)图书介绍 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
      等级:研二(中了一篇WWWC Poster)(版主)

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    发贴心情 [原创]Google Web Toolkit (GWT)图书介绍

    Google Web Toolkit( 简称 GWT)

    GWT 是 Google 推出的 Ajax 应用开发包,支持开发者使用 Java 语言开发 Ajax 应用。 GWT 框架本身是开源的,但是 GWT 中的开发工具仅仅提供开发用 License ,不允许分发。

       GWT 提供了一组基于 Java 语言的开发包,这个开发包的设计参考 Java AWT 包设计,类命名规则、接口设计、事件监听等都和 AWT 非常类似。熟悉 Java AWT 的开发者不需要花费多大的力气就能够快速的理解 GWT 开发工具包,将更多地时间投入到 GWT 应用的开发过程中。

    1、Google(TM) Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful Stuff

    Author: Geary, David,

    Publisher: Prentice Hall

    ISBN: 0131584650

    Page :112 pages

    Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful Stuff by David Geary  

    Note: This is just a ebook!

    本书涉及到GWT 与 Spring/Hibernate/Maven 的整合,同时也涉及到了其他方面的高级主题。


    [URL=http://safari.awprofessional.com/0131584650]http://safari.awprofessional.com/0131584650[/URL] .

    2、another GWT book:GWT Java AJAX Programming

    The books approach is:
    Each chapter covers a series of practical tasks, showing how to achieve a particular useful result - and then learn how it works so that you can apply your knowledge to your own unique situation.

    Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming

    3、 Yet another GWT book :GWT in Practice

    Author: Robert Cooper ,Charles Collins.

    以下是引用manning网站的GWT in Practice 对本书的介绍:

    GWT in Practice is an example-driven, code-rich book designed for web developers who have already learned the basics of GWT. After a quick review of GWT fundamentals, GWT in Practice presents scores of handy, reusable solutions to the problems you face when you need to move beyond "Hello World" and "proof of concept" applications. This book skips the theory and looks at the way things really work when you're building projects in GWT.


    4 Gwt in Action: Easy Ajax with the Google Web Toolkit

    Author:Robert Hanson ,Adam Tacy

    Publisher: Manning Publications (May 1, 2007)

    Book Description
    The Google Web Toolkit is a new technology that automatically translates Java into JavaScript, making Ajax applications easier to code and deploy. GWT in Action is a comprehensive tutorial for Java developers interested in building the next generation of rich, web-based applications. This book was written by Robert Hanson, creator of the popular GWT Widget Library and Adam Tacy a major contributor to the GWT Widget Library.

    There is a new emphasis on building rich, web-based applications. These applications can be difficult to build because they rely on JavaScript, which lacks the sophisticated object-oriented structures and static typing of Java, they are tricky to debug, and they require you to manage numerous browser inconsistencies.

    In May of 2006 Google released the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). GWT enables developers to create Ajax applications in Java. With GWT, you can build your applications using a real object-oriented language and take advantage of Java tools like Eclipse that are already available. Instead of trying to bring tool support to Ajax, Google brought Ajax to a place where the tools already existed.

    GWT in Action shows you how to take advantage of these exciting new tools. Readers will follow an example running throughout the book and quickly master the basics of GWT: widgets, panels, and event handling. The book covers the full development cycle, from setting up your development environment, to building the application, then deploying it to the web server. The entire core GWT library is discussed, with details and examples on how it can be extended.

    GWT helps you make the most of Ajax in your web applications and GWT in Action helps you get more out of GWT. Readers can download Early Access Chapters of GWT in Action now and participate in the Author Forum by visiting at the Manning site.



    Manning: GWT in Practice Google Web Toolkit (GWT)图书介绍

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2007/3/19 13:20:00
     ccnu_ouy520 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    《ExtJS实用开发指南》 那里有下载的
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/23 13:15:00
     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
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    以下是引用ccnu_ouy520在2008-10-23 13:15:00的发言:
    《ExtJS实用开发指南》 那里有下载的






    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/23 15:59:00
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