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     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    Warm Up

    A: Mr. Smith, it has been your second time to break the traffic rule within one month.
    A: 先生,这已经试你一个月里面第二次违反交通规则了。

    B: Oh Sir. Anyway I didn't mean to do this.  B: 对不起,可是毕竟我不是故意的。

    A: You have to pay fine for your neglect. And next time, your drive license will be revoked if you made this accident once again.
    A: 你必须为你的疏忽出罚款,下一次,如果你再次出问题,你的驾照将被吊销。

    B: I won't do that no longer.  B: 我再也不会那么做了。

    Clear off before I do you some harm.       走开,不然我就对你不客气了。

    Do that again and I'll throw you out.    你要是再这样,我就把你扔出去。

    Don't you dare! 你敢!

    I'll fix you later!  我以后再收拾你!

    I'll get you for that!    我要找你算这笔帐!

    I'll sort you out sooner or later!    我早晚要找你算账!

    I'll teach you a good lesson.    我要好好教训你一顿。

    Just you dare!    只要你敢!

    Just you try!    你就试试看!

    Let me catch you at it again!    别让我再见你这么干!

    You wait!    你等着瞧!

    Don't be past shame, or I beat you up.    别厚颜无耻,否则我就揍你。

    If you go on like this, I won't be so easy on you.    你再这样,我就不客气了。

    If you are still careless, you'll be dismissed.    如果你再粗心大意的话,你将被解雇。

    I'll call the police if you fight any more.    如果你们再打的话,你将被解雇。

    If you dare raise a hand to strike, you'll regret it.    如果你敢动手的话,你会后悔的。

    If you are bent on you own way, I'll quit.    如果你一意孤行的话,我就退出。

    If you can't keep your word, I'll teach you a lesson.    如果你不守信的话,我会教训你的。

    You'll be sorry for what you have done.    你会为你所干的事而后悔的。

    You'll pay for your insult!    你对我的侮辱你要付出代价的!

    If you can't keep your promise, I shall be compelled to sue you in a law-court.

    If you don't drive carefully, I shall be obliged to deprive you of your license.

    If you insist on your demand for a pay raise, I shall have no choice but to dismiss you.

    Unless you accept the plan, I'm afraid I shall be forced to withdraw.

    You'd be very unwise not to agree with me.    您要是不同意我,那就太不明智了。

    I would accept that if I were you, or we'll have to cancel it.    

    If I were you I would, or you'll be fired.    如果我是你我就愿意,否则你将被解雇。

    If you go on making fun of me, I'll give you a black eye.    如果你继续开我的玩笑,我就揍你一顿。

    Unless you apologize, I'll let you know who you're talking to.

    Don't try to cash in on me, or I'll beat you up.    不要想在我身上讨便宜,否则我就揍你。

    Don't bother me or I'll tell your mother.    不要打扰我,否则我就告诉你妈。

    You won't die for asking.    问一下又不会死。

    Good things have just begun!    好戏就要开锣啰!

    I'm speechless.    我没话说了。

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