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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。
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     * 贴子主题: [求助]svg font to svg graph 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: RDF/RDFS | DOM    
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    发贴心情 [求助]svg font to svg graph

    如何將 svg 字體文件轉成 svg 图形文件?
    我想將由 fontforge 生成的字體文件中的 glyph 的 d 用 svg 图形表示,可是,當我將 d 的代碼粘貼至 svg 图形代碼中時,字形颠倒了:
    怎麼才能在不更改 glyph 的 d 的内容的前提下用 svg 圖形來顯示?
        <glyph glyph-name="uni863F" unicode="蘿"

    d="M659 807q26 -5 27.5 -47t-0.5 -66l2 -36l32 12q14 22 18.5 63t32.5 27q10 -28 7 -54t-17 -51q-13 -12 -40.5 -24.5t-32.5 -14.5l-2 -39q19 -10 40.5 -14.5t39.5 -17.5q28 -27 33 -72t-3 -79l-25 -5q-20 27 -14.5 67t-29.5 70l-66 -59l49 -42.5t22 -50.5q-10 -8 -16.5 -7

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    t-20.5 -1q-19 34 -10.5 85t27.5 84q23 19 56 25t39 9l3 29q-70 21 -82 49.5t-9 92.5q7 7 11.5 8t13.5 -1q16 -34 15 -63t48 -44q6 31 2 89t25 65q16 -25 16 -54t-1 -56l2 -44l42 12q20 27 22 62.5t29 32.5q16 -25 11 -56t-21 -54q-11 -11 -26 -20.5t-32 -13.5l-22 -2l-8 -27

    l284 -5l-5 39l-37 7q-42 23 -57 60t6 82h19q17 -35 13.5 -65.5t48.5 -41.5q7 32 0 75t17 74zM351 535l31 -31l37 34l-59 2zM634 494l52 41l-96 5zM348 391q28 -3 22.5 -25.5t4.5 -35.5l44 -10q26 -14 31 -37.5t-6 -47.5q-35 -29 -55 -24t-21 -42q41 -12 68 -30.5t12 -67.5

    q-25 -24 -45 -23.5t-35 -6.5l-5 -26l51 -15q42 -23 51.5 -68.5t-2.5 -88.5l-24 -4q-16 19 -12.5 48.5t-4.5 53.5q-9 17 -24 22t-33 10q-5 -33 -1 -96.5t-26 -69.5q-13 24 -11.5 59.5t2.5 64.5l-3 44l-34 -7q-11 -12 -19 -27t-10 -32q-1 -19 -2.5 -41.5t-29.5 -11.5

    q-9 29 -4 61t21 61l44 34l37 7v20q-41 10 -74.5 27.5t-4.5 72.5q33 25 55.5 23t23.5 43q-43 9 -71.5 24t-12.5 74q10 9 21 15.5t24 9.5l44 4q4 8 2.5 23.5t11.5 35.5zM649 381q40 -2 82.5 -35t37.5 -75l-54 -36q24 -8 65 -30.5t40 -45.5q-20 -16 -53.5 2l-56.5 30l-37 12

    v-69q23 -3 63.5 -2.5t34.5 -31.5q-20 -11 -50.5 -8t-44.5 -2l-3 -36q27 -5 69 -2t46 -28q-28 -16 -60.5 -12t-49.5 -2l-5 -52q28 -4 85 -2t55 -29q-43 -14 -90.5 -13t-93.5 3h-66q-7 -16 1 -55t-28 -33q-14 17 -14.5 47.5t0.5 54.5q-2 71 0 128.5t34 123.5l54 44

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    l-12 -27l58 2l-5 59zM280 112v-19q31 -9 68.5 -13.5t65.5 13.5q-2 27 -30 31t-53 3zM561 49l73 5l-2 36l-66 3zM561 -47l73 5v49l-73 5v-59z" />
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           d="m 516.14286,1029.8572 q 26,-5 27.5,-47.00005 1.5,-42 -0.5,-66 l 2,-36 32,12 q 14,22 18.5,63 4.5,41 32.5,27 10,-28 7,-54 -3,-26 -17,-51 -13,-12 -40.5,-24.5 -27.5,-12.5 -32.5,-14.5 l -2,-39 q 19,-10 40.5,-14.5 21.5,-4.5 39.5,-17.5 28,-27 33,-72 5,-45 -3,-79 l -25,-5 q -20,27 -14.5,67 5.5,40 -29.5,70 l -66,-59 49,-42.5 q 0,0 22,-50.5 -10,-8 -16.5,-7 -6.5,1 -17.5,7 l -71,66 q -17,-19 -42.5,-39.5 -25.5,-20.5 -50.5,-16.5 v 29 l 66,54 -56,56 -5,15 -64,5 -61,-71 q 21,-19 46.5,-44.5 25.5,-25.5 27.5,-51.5 -9,-9 -15,-10 -6,-1 -17,6 l -74,70 q -17,-20 -45,-47 -28,-27 -55,-19 -5,9 -4,16 1,7 7,16 l 66,66 -57,56 -17,-4 q -24,-29 -24.5,-63.5 -0.5,-34.5 -4.5,-68.5 -1,-14 -8.500003,-19 -7.5,-5 -20.5,-1 -19,34 -10.5,85 8.5,51 27.5,84 23.000003,19 56.000003,25 33,6 39,9 l 3,29 q -70,21 -82,49.5 -12.000003,28.5 -9,92.5 7,7 11.5,8 4.5,1 13.5,-1 16,-34 15,-63 -1,-29 48,-44 6,31 2,89 -4,58.00005 25,65.00005 16,-25.00004 16,-54.00005 0,-29 -1,-56 l 2,-44 42,12 q 20,27 22,62.5 2,35.5 29,32.5 16,-25 11,-56 -5,-31 -21,-54 -11,-11 -26,-20.5 -15,-9.5 -32,-13.5 l -22,-2 -8,-27 284,-5 -5,39 -37,7 q -42,23 -57,60 -15,37 6,82 h 19 q 17,-35 13.5,-65.5 -3.5,-30.5 48.5,-41.5 7,32 0,75 -7,43.00001 17,74.00005 z m -308,-272.00005 31,-31 37,34 -59,2 z m 283,-41 52,41 -96,5 z m -286,-103 q 28,-3 22.5,-25.5 -5.5,-22.5 4.5,-35.5 l 44,-10 q 26,-14 31,-37.5 5,-23.5 -6,-47.5 -35,-29 -55,-24 -20,5 -21,-42 41,-12 68,-30.5 27,-18.5 12,-67.5 -25,-24 -45,-23.5 -20,0.5 -35,-6.5 l -5,-26 51,-15 q 42,-23 51.5,-68.5 9.5,-45.5 -2.5,-88.500007 l -24,-4 q -16,19 -12.5,48.500007 3.5,29.5 -4.5,53.5 -9,17 -24,22 -15,5 -33,10 -5,-33 -1,-96.500003 4,-63.500004 -26,-69.500004 -13,24 -11.5,59.5 1.5,35.500007 2.5,64.500007 l -3,44 -34,-7 q -11,-12 -19,-27 -8,-15 -10,-32 -1,-19 -2.5,-41.500007 -1.5,-22.5 -29.500003,-11.5 -9,29.000007 -4,61.000007 5,32 21.000003,61 l 44,34 37,7 v 20 q -41,10 -74.5,27.5 -33.500003,17.5 -4.5,72.5 33,25 55.5,23 22.5,-2 23.5,43 -43,9 -71.5,24 -28.500003,15 -12.5,74 10,9 21,15.5 11,6.5 24,9.5 l 44,4 q 4,8 2.5,23.5 -1.5,15.5 11.5,35.5 z m 301,-10 q 40,-2 82.5,-35 42.5,-33 37.5,-75 l -54,-36 q 24,-8 65,-30.5 41,-22.5 40,-45.5 -20,-16 -53.5,2 l -56.5,30 -37,12 v -69 q 23,-3 63.5,-2.5 40.5,0.5 34.5,-31.5 -20,-11 -50.5,-8 -30.5,3 -44.5,-2 l -3,-36 q 27,-5 69,-2 42,3 46,-28 -28,-16 -60.5,-12 -32.5,4 -49.5,-2 l -5,-52 q 28,-4 85,-2 57,2 55,-29 -43,-14 -90.5,-13 -47.5,1 -93.5,3 h -66 q -7,-16 1,-55.000007 8,-39 -28,-33 -14,17 -14.5,47.500004 -0.5,30.500003 0.5,54.500003 -2,71 0,128.5 2,57.5 34,123.5 l 54,44 q -31,15 -61.5,27.5 -30.5,12.5 -9.5,63.5 22,22 48.5,40.5 26.5,18.5 61.5,22.5 z m -44,-60 q -20,-14 -37,-30 l 5,-10 61,-15 q 2,5 4,19.5 2,14.5 8,24.5 23,-1 25,-15 2,-14 5,-31 l 49,27 q -7,17 -31,33.5 -24,16.5 -45,17.5 -24,-7 -44,-21 z m -328,-42 8,-25 q 28,-10 67.5,-10 39.5,0 61.5,20 -3,27 -38.5,27.5 -35.5,0.5 -61.5,-0.5 z m 311,-120 -12,-27 58,2 -5,59 z m -308,-47 v -19 q 31,-9 68.5,-13.5 37.5,-4.5 65.5,13.5 -2,27 -30,31 -28,4 -53,3 z m 281,-63 73,5 -2,36 -66,3 z m 0,-96 73,5 v 49 l -73,5 v -59 z" />

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