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     * 贴子主题: Oracle官方网站消息:关于Oracle OCA 10g认证考试的调整 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 Oracle官方网站消息:关于Oracle OCA 10g认证考试的调整

    Oracle官方网站消息:关于Oracle OCA 10g认证考试的调整

          欲取得Oracle10g OCA认证必须加考一科考试(Oracle Database SQL Expert,1Z0-047);
         加了科目后考OCA认证就必须是二门考试(1Z0-042  1Z0-047)
    需要代考OCA认证 OCP认证的朋友可以参考******************************
    Announcing new SQL exam requirement for the Oracle Database 10g OCA track

    June 06, 2008

    On December 1, 2008, Oracle Certification Program will introduce an additional SQL exam requirement for the Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate certification track.

    In addition to the existing exam, Oracle Database 10g: Administration I (1Z0-042), candidates will also be required to pass any one of the three following Oracle SQL exams to earn the certification:

    Introduction to Oracle: SQL® and PL/SQL™ (1Z0-001) or,
    Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL (1Z0-007) or,
    Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I (1Z1-051) or,
    Oracle Database SQL Expert (1Z0-047)

    Please note that there are no compulsory training requirements for the OCA certification path.

    If you are currently working towards earning your 10g DBA OCA, we will accept the single exam path through November 30, 2008. The new requirement will take effect on December 1, 2008. All certifications obtained under the current single exam path will remain valid certifications according to the rules that govern certification validity. Al 10g DBA OCAs who obtained their certification under the current single exam path will be able to upgrade their certification to 10g DBA OCP via the existing OCP path. Additional steps will not be required.

    Please visit the following page for the new track details: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=151

    If you have any questions regarding the new 10g DBA certification, please contact Oracle at ocpexam_ww@oracle.com. Additionally, you may visit the Oracle Certification Program web site at http://www.oracle.com/education/certification for further information. To find information regarding Oracle training in your area please visit: http://www.oracle.com/education.


    I am a 10g DBA OCA. I obtained my certification by passing only the 1Z0-042 exam. Will I need to recertify or pass one of the SQL exams to keep my certification current?
    No. Any 10g DBA OCA candidate who already holds the certification will NOT have to recertify or take any additional exams to keep their 10g DBA OCA certification current.

    I am a 10g DBA OCA. I obtained my certification by passing only the 1Z0-042 exam. Will I need to complete any requirements in addition to taking a hands on course and passing the 1Z0-043 exam in order to upgrade my OCA certification to 10g DBA OCP?
    No. All 10g DBA OCAs, regardless of whether they took the 1-exam or 2-exam certification path are eligible to upgrade their certification to 10g DBA OCP by completing one of the required hands on courses and passing the 1Z0-043 exam.

    Why did Oracle Certification Program make the decision to add this exam to the 10g DBA OCA path?
    At Oracle, we conduct frequent thorough reviews of our certification program to ensure that we are delivering the best results to our candidates and customers. The integral role that SQL plays in the 10g DBA’s profession makes it a highly beneficial component to the certification.

    If I have to take two exams to become certified, how can a 1-exam path be equivalent to my 2-exam path?
    Oracle certifications are issued based upon the certification requirements in effect at the time of completing the final requirement. At Oracle, we may update certification requirements to ensure that we are best serving the needs of our certification community and customers.

    Are there any exceptions to the 2-exam path?
    No. After November 30, 2008, there will be no exceptions to the 2-exam path. If you register for your 1Z0-042 exam prior to November 30, 2008 but do not take the exam until after November 30, you will still be required to pass both exams in order to become a 10g DBA OCA. Certification must be COMPLETE by November 30, 2008.

    I passed my 1Z0-042 exam on or before November 30, 2008 but I have not yet received my success kit. Will I need to pass one of the SQL exams in order to become 10g DBA OCA certified?
    No. Anyone who passes the 1Z0-042 exam by November 30, 2008 will become certified with the single exam path, even though they may receive their success kit in the mail after November 30, 2008
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