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     * 贴子主题: Money Is Not the Most Important Aspect of a Job 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 Money Is Not the Most Important Aspect of a Job

    Money Is Not the Most Important Aspect of a Job

    When deciding what career to pursue, and which specific job to take, there are many things for us to consider. They include the work location and environment, chances for advancement, and of course the salary. Some would say that money is the most important aspect of a job, but I do not believe this is true. In my opinion, there are some other aspects which are more important.

    First of all, we should engage in work in a field which interests us. Then, we will enjoy our work more and not dread going to our job every day. A large salary is not worth the daily discomfort of doing something we do not enjoy. Second, our job should give us a sense of personal satisfaction. When we feel that what we are doing is important and worthwhile, how much money we make is not as important. Finally, our job should allow us to live a balanced life. It should not be so time-consuming that we have no time for family, friends and personal interests. Nor should it give us so much pressure that we cannot relax in our free time.

    The three aspects above, in my opinion, are more important than money when considering which job to take. There is no denying that money is important, but it is not the only important thing in life. Certainly, money does not always lead to happiness. Therefore, it should not be the only consideration when evaluating a job opportunity.


    aspect n. 方面
    pursue v. 从事
    specific adj. 特定的
    advancement n. 晋升
    first of all 首先
    field n. 领域
    dread v. 害怕
    daily adj. 每天的
    discomfort n. 不舒服
    worthwhile adj. 值得的
    balanced adj. 均衡的
    time-consuming adj. 费时的
    pressure n. 压力
    lead to 导致
    consideration n. 该慎重考虑的事
    evaluate v. 评估
    There is no + V-ing …是不可能的

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