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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。
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    发贴心情 svg实例--两点控制的线


    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 1.8 1.8" width="600" height="450" onload="DoOnLoad( evt )"
    version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
    xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" a:timeline="independent">
    <desc>Functional Key Spline graph created in SVG and javascript</desc>

    var dragger = null;
    var origTransform = "";
    var oldX;
    var oldY;
    var origX;
    var origY;
    var oldTranslateX;
    var oldTranslateY;
    function DoonMouseOver(evt)
      var onObject = evt.getTarget();
      if( onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointOne" || onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointTwo")
      onObject.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "0.5");
    function DoonMouseOut(evt)
      var onObject = evt.getTarget();
      if( onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointOne" || onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointTwo")
      onObject.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "0.3");
    function DoOnLoad(evt)
      // useless leftovers
      var el = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("pointOne");
      el.getStyle().setProperty("fill", "black");
    function DoonMouseDown(evt)
      var onObject = evt.getTarget();
      if( onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointOne" || onObject.getAttribute("id") == "pointTwo")
       dragger = onObject;
       oldX = Math.abs(dragger.getAttribute("cx")); // has to be abs'd so
       oldY = Math.abs(dragger.getAttribute("cy")); // it isn't a string(?)
       origX = evt.getClientX();
       origY = evt.getClientY();
       oldTranslateX = 0; // not used any more?
       oldTranslateY = 0;
    function DoonMouseMove(evt)
        if( dragger != null )
      dragger.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "0.75");
      // problem is here - initially drops to zero - also, it has
      // to be multiplied by 0.004 for the exact display resolution
      // - wanted replace oldTranslateX with oldX, but it adds as a string?
      var newX = Math.max(Math.min((oldX + (evt.getClientX() - origX) * 0.004),1),0);
      var newY = Math.max(Math.min((oldY + (evt.getClientY() - origY) *-0.004),1),0);
      var curve = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("kSpline");
      if( dragger.getAttribute("id") == "pointOne" )
       var other = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("pointTwo");
       var cLine1 = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("cL1");
       var curX2 = other.getAttribute("cx");
       var curY2 = other.getAttribute("cy");
       var transformT = "keySplines=\"" +
         Math.round(newX*100)/100 + " " + Math.round(newY*100)/100 + "  " +
         Math.round(curX2*100)/100 + " " + Math.round(curY2*100)/100 + "\"";
       curve.setAttribute("d", "M0,0C" +
         newX + "," + newY + " " +
         curX2 + "," + curY2 + " 1,1");
       cLine1.setAttribute("x2", newX);
       cLine1.setAttribute("y2", newY);
       var other = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("pointOne");
       var cLine2 = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("cL2");
       var curX1 = other.getAttribute("cx");
       var curY1 = other.getAttribute("cy");
       var transformT = "keySplines=\"" +
         Math.round(curX1*100)/100 + " " + Math.round(curY1*100)/100 + "  " +
         Math.round(newX*100)/100 + " " + Math.round(newY*100)/100 + "\"";
       curve.setAttribute("d", "M0,0C" +
         curX1 + "," + curY1 + " " +  
         newX + "," + newY + " 1,1");
       cLine2.setAttribute("x2", newX);
       cLine2.setAttribute("y2", newY);
      var coordsText = getSVGDocument(evt.getTarget()).getElementById("coords");
      dragger.setAttribute("cx", newX);
      dragger.setAttribute("cy", newY);
    function DoonMouseUp(evt)
      if( dragger != null )
       dragger.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "0.3");
       dragger = null;
       origTransform = ""
       oldX = 0;
       oldY = 0;
       origX = 0;
       origY = 0;
       oldTranslateX = 0;
       oldTranslateY = 0;
    function getSVGDocument(node)
      // given any node of the tree, will obtain the SVGDocument node.
      // must be careful: a Document node's ownerDocument is null!
      if( node.getNodeType() != 9 )  // if not DOCUMENT_NODE
       return node.getOwnerDocument();
       return node;
       <line id="sLine" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0"
    style="stroke:#BBB;stroke-width:0.01" />
       <g id="lSet1">
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="1.0" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.9" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.8" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.7" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.6" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.5" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.4" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.3" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.2" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.1" />
         <use xlink:href="#sLine" x="0" y="0.0" />
    <g id="all" onmouseover="DoonMouseOver( evt )" onmouseout="DoonMouseOut( evt )" onmousedown="DoonMouseDown( evt )" onmouseup="DoonMouseUp( evt )" onmousemove="DoonMouseMove( evt )">
    <rect id="bg" x="-0.3" y="0.05" width="2.6" height="1.75"
    style="fill:white" />
    <text x="0.15" y="0.2" style="fill:#348;stroke:none;font-size:0.15;">Key Splines graph tool</text>
    <text x="-0.1" y="0.4" style="fill:#444;stroke:none;font-size:0.054;">
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.5">  This SVG file</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.56">demonstrates how</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.62">the 'keySplines' </tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.68">setting works for key</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.74">interpolation in SMIL</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.8">based animation.</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.86">  The handles can</tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.92">be manipulated by </tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="0.98">dragging them </tspan>
    <tspan x="-0.25" y="1.04">around.</tspan>
    <g id="graph" transform="translate(0.4,1.4) scale(1,1)"
      style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:.01">
       <g id="grid" transform="scale(1,-1)">
           <use x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#lSet1" />
           <use x="0" y="-1" xlink:href="#lSet1" transform="rotate(90)" />
           <line id="cL1" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0.5" y2="0.1" style="stroke:#444;stroke-width:0.005;" />
           <line id="cL2" x1="1" y1="1" x2="0.5" y2="0.9" style="stroke:#444;stroke-width:0.005;" />
           <circle id="pointOne" cx="0.5" cy="0.1" r=".03" transform="translate(0 0)"
      style="fill:black;stroke:#F66;stroke-width:0.006;opacity:0.3;" />
           <circle id="pointTwo" cx="0.5" cy="0.9" r=".03" transform="translate(0 0)"
      style="fill:black;stroke:#F66;stroke-width:0.006;opacity:0.3;" />
           <path id="kSpline" x="0" y="0" d="M0,0 C0.5,0.1 0.5,0.9 1,1" style="stroke:red;" />
       <g id="textGrp" transform="scale(1)">
         <text x="0" y="-1.05" style="fill:grey;stroke:none;font-size:0.1;">y</text>
         <text x="1.05" y="0" style="fill:grey;stroke:none;font-size:0.1;">x</text>
         <text x="-0.1" y="0.1" style="fill:grey;stroke:none;font-size:0.07;">0,0</text>
         <text x="1" y="-1.05" style="fill:grey;stroke:none;font-size:0.07;">1,1</text>
         <text id="explan" x="0.05" y="0.16"
      style="fill:#444;stroke:none; font-size:0.05;">(You can select and copy the text below)</text>
         <text id="coords" x="0.05" y="0.25"
      style="fill:black;stroke:none;font-size:0.07;">keySplines="0.5 0.1  0.5 0.9"</text>
         <text x="0.9" y="0.38" style="fill:#333;stroke:none;font-size:0.04;">Copyleft 2000 - Burning Pixel Productions</text>


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    主题:  svg实例--两点控制的线(7840字) - 卷积内核,2006年4月20日
        回复:  你好:用svg能否解决拓扑问题?如点击两点可计算两点间的举例,得出两点间有何障碍物?..(82字) - bluehxjing,2006年4月20日

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